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Fizzgig Theatre

Fizzgig Theatre

Fizzgig Theatre

Welcome to Fizzgig and thank you for visiting our site.

A wee bit about us if you are visiting for the first time....

We create energetic, high quality and accessible theatre for everyone. We tour our productions to a wide range of venues. Whether it is a small village hall or a 500 seater theatre our productions are designed to be flexible and reach a wide cross section of the community. And so.....

On a personal level David continues to work as Senior Lecturer at Glasgow Clyde College. The second years should just have finished their production of The Crucible and the third years should be looking forward to their final show and of course, their Diploma show. But, as you all know, we are living through a very strange time and everything has ground to a halt...


We were so happy with the Panto's success at Mugdock Theatre. Over 55 sell out shows that received rave reviews and lovely e-mails from families who came to see it. Thank you for taking the time to contact us, it means a lot. Our touring cast visited schools, Maryhill Housing and the lovely Pollok House. Every school and venue were so welcoming and we got such positive feedback.


2019 was also a busy year. I worked with 5 local primary schools producing a piece about the Dear Green Place and they showed off all their hard work at the opening of the Southside Festival in May.

In October we did a very interactive Murder Mystery event in the magnificent Hill House in Helensburgh.

Our Junior Halloween Fun was busier then ever. Attended by lovely people who dressed up and threw themselves 100% into the Halloween spirit! Costumes, games, spooky walks and interactive storytelling! They went down a storm and again sold out almost immediately so this year we will need a bigger space or put on more....! Anyone wanting to book our Halloween Package of Fun please get in touch!

Sadly it is becoming increasingly difficult to hold our Fright Nights  in the Mugdock Woods as so much of it has been cut back. And so,we have taken the sad decision not to continue with our Fright Nights.

They ran for over 15 years and at their peak sold out 4 walks a night for 5 consecutive nights. There was nothing else quite like them. Many thanks to all the actors over the years who ran about in the dark, in the rain and sometimes even in hailstones. They hid in bushes, ditches, dug out graves and we even had somebody submerged in water. Well done everybody!  

Our Panto was Sleeping Beauty. We had such fun doing it and again, we got loads of fantastic feedback.


There was much excitement when we were joined by Stanley (nicknamed Tanley!) in April 2019 and we decided to give him the title of Company Mascot when we noticed how theatrical he is!

Then in January of this year along came Brodie! So now we have 2 mascots!  

Is it too early to mention what this years Pantomime will be??..... No it's not.....Oh yes it is....because I haven't decided yet!

We look forward to seeing all our loyal Fizzgigglers in 2020 and here's to all the new ones we will meet this year!


Floss and David



David in "The Golden Hours On Angel Wings". Burns production 2015

Floss in "The Maids" 

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Tanley and Bosie as themselves

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